
Website Overview

Total Sessions

Pages per Session

Average Session Duration

Bounce Rate

Top Channels Over Time

Total Monthly conversions

Monthly CPA

audience behaviour

Sessions from Mobile

New Users

Paid Campaigns Overview


Conversion Rate


Google Campaign Performance

Social Media Campaign Performance


  • Clicks: The number of Clicks generated by the campaign, delivering a visitor to the website
  • CTR: Click Through Rate, the percentage of people who Clicked an ad vs. saw an Impression. 
  • CPC: Cost per Click, dictated by competition from other advertisers and or own maximum bids.
  • Impressions: The number of times Ads within the campaign have been shown.
  • Impression Share: The effective share of voice a Search campaign enjoys in a given market/region. Varies based on several factors, but primarily overall audience size and the budget available to reach it.
  • Time: Time spend on the website after Clicking on an Ad, measured in seconds. Higher Time on Site is generally indicative of a more engaged visitor - although there are cavaets to this (e.g. viewing a single page, regardless of time spent on it, will record 0 Time due to way Analytics functions).
  • Pageviews: The number of Pages viewed by a visitor after arriving at the website from an ad Click. More Pageviews general indicates a more engaged visitor, although there are caveats to this.
  • Conv/Conversions: tangible actions which take place on site after a user Clicks or Views (view-through) an ad. Typically e-commerce transactions or newsletter sign ups.